Ssangyong Motor

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Title SsangYong Motor holds R&D ‘Tech-Day’ workshop
Date 2017-02-08

▪ Enhance R&D and product competitiveness by encouraging researchers and employees’ ideas

▪ World’s first ‘touch screen window system’ introduced

▪ SsangYong set to introduce next-generation trendy products that will meet the needs of customers

SsangYong Motor Company (CEO Choi, Johng-sik; announced that the company held R&D ‘Tech-Day’ workshop at the company's training center in the city of Anseong in Korea to encourage researchers and employees’ creative ideas and innovative research.

SsangYong’s own researchers and employees have presented many new technology-related ideas and feasible technologies were demonstrated at the workshop. Tentatively named the ‘touch screen window system’ was amongst the most remarkable technology. This touch window system enables the drivers and passengers to open or close vehicle windows simply by touching the window.

A company official said the world’s first touch window system is set be introduced to the public at an international motor show with a concept car this year after verifying functional qualification.

Johng-sik Choi, CEO of SsangYong Motor Company, commented, “R&D Tech-Day is expected to function as motivation for talented employees to pursue continuous R&D and innovation activities, thereby resulting in tangible outcomes,” adding, “SsangYong will continue to develop next-generation products that will meet the needs of customers while setting a new trend by encouraging creative ideas and innovative research."

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