Ssangyong Motor

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Title SsangYong Motor holds a ceremony for the conclusion of an industry-academy exchange agreement
Date 2008-04-16

- Donated ten items to each university, including the DI engine and gasoline engine, MB five-speed automatic transmission, and transfer case
- Expecting to establish close ties and jointly use facilities and personnel through industry-academy cooperation

SsangYong Motor (CEO and President Choi Hyung-Tak; held ceremonies for the conclusion of an industry-academy exchange agreement on Wednesday, April 16, with the Department of Automobile Management of Joongbu University and the Faculty of Aerospace, Automobile & Mechanical Engineering of Chung Cheong University to promote cooperation and mutual development. 

The events were attended by SsangYong Motor Managing Director Lee Jong-sul, who is in charge of the Service Division, as well as professors and students from each university. According to the agreement, SsangYong Motor will donate ten different items which can be used for experiments to each university, such as the DI engine and gasoline engine, MB five-speed automatic transmission, and transfer case (4WD).

Matters on which SsangYong Motor and each university will engage in mutual cooperation include field training for undergraduates and graduates (Job Training Center), field visits, and cooperation for employment; joint development, research, and guidance on various repair and automobile technologies; participation by company officials in courses offered by the universities and the development of experts; joint use of various facilities and equipments; joint development of curriculums and learning materials; and other technological cooperation, research and development, and national projects needed for industry-academy cooperation. It is expected that such cooperation will substantially help students who are learning about automobiles acquire knowledge on various technologies and relevant skills.

In addition, SsangYong Motor will provide cooperation for internships by graduates and students enrolled at each university (training course at the Job Training Center of SsangYong Motor). The students will be provided practical learning opportunities, and the contract period will be for two years until April 2010.

At the event, SsangYong Motor Managing Director Lee Jong-sul said, "Before this agreement, SsangYong Motor donated vehicles and parts every two to three years. Now, the company is doing more through the conclusion of this industry-academy agreement by donating experimental items to students who are learning about automobiles. The aim is to develop experts and improve the skills of human resources in the domestic automobile industry. Moving forward, SsangYong Motor will further strengthen industry-academy cooperation, thus making continuous efforts to contribute to the overall improvement of technologies in the Korean automobile industry."


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